
About the Programme

This programme is designed for those seeking for an opportunity to gain entry and study Higher Education Qualifications in the UK and overseas. This programme is aimed at speakers of English as a foreign language who want to improve their academic and general English Language and enhance their study skills and understanding in the field of Business, Marketing, Law, Accounting & Finance and computing at an appropriate level. This is necessary for successful study on a range of degree subjects related to Management, Business, Marketing, Finance, Law and more.

Programme Modules

Unit Number                Unit Name                               Credits

L/DBS/01M/RA            Research and Academic Skills 10

L/DBS/01M/BC            Business Communication         10

L/DBS/01M/IB             IT for Business                          10

L/DBS/01M/BO            Business Operations                10

L/DBS/01M/ME           Managing Events                      10

L/DBS/01M/PM           People Management                10

Entry Requirements

Students must have completed a GCSE Qualification and achieved a grade of C or above in English and Maths subjects. It is expected that a student would normally have the maturity to undertake this programme at the age of 17.

Delivery and Assessment

This qualification will be delivered a minimum of 12 months for full-time study. The Total Qualification Times (TQM) or Notional Learning Hours (NLH) will be covered as per the qualification requirements. This programme is flexible and can be delivered face-to-face or distance learning. 

‘Notional learning hours’ are the estimated learning time taken by the ‘average’ student to achieve the specified learning outcomes of the course unit or programme. They are therefore not a precise measure but provide students with an indication of the amount of study and degree of commitment expected.

Awarded by

London Management Qualifications (LMQ), United Kingdom